
About us

At present the section consists of a recreational group which has been meeting Fridays for 55 years now. We are internationally oriented, our players come from a variety of countries. Basic basketball skills are expected. Just stop by and have a look.

Membership has no obligation at an affordable annual fee. Also included in the annual fee is the free participation in 9 main sport programms, such as gymnastics, rhythmic sports gymnastics, handball, table tennis, ring tennis, badminton, curling and taekwondo.

Membership fee
One-time registration fee for new members: Adults: 5 € and for children, adolescents, pupils, students: 3 € Debit Months: January, April, July, October Note: New registrations are only accepted with debit authorization. 

  Monthly fee  
Annual contribution
Adult 11,50 € 138,– €
Apprentices, pupils, students     7,50 €   90,– €


Important instructions

  1. Address or account changes:
    Please send them in good time by letter, fax or e-mail to the office.
  2. Note for students, trainees and students (over 18 years):
    All members who have completed the age of 18 years and have not submitted a school or training certificate, will be charged the adult contribution. Subsequent proof will not be accepted until the following quarter. Already charged contributions will not be refunded retroactively.
  3. Fees for a return debit will be charged to the member.
  4. Cancellations of membership are only possible at the end of the quarter. The termination must be received by mail, fax or e-mail six weeks before the end of the quarter (no registered letter).

Download: PDF ---> Admission form

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